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tv   Secrets of the Belfast Project  CNN  September 30, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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to send a message. >> the kids that are bullying, do not let them bring you down. go with your heart and gut, and that's what i did, and look at me now. >> good for her. good for her. the cnn world headquarters in atlanta, have a good night and a great weekend, everybody. don lemon is back next weekend. violence and anger were tearing northern ireland apart. >> we were robbing banks, robbing post offices. >> men like this commander were to blame. >> planting bombs, shooting >> reporter: now a. hidden drove of audio tapes locked away in a
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u.s. college archive threatens to untravel the easy status quo. >> i knew it was being executed. i didn't know she was going to be buried. >> reporter: it calls into question the very balance between peace and justice. helen mckendry had seven brothers and sisters. >> my parents had a mixed marriage, so we had to leave. they threatened to kill my father. >> reporter: a mixed marriage, because her father was a catholic, and her mother, jean, a protestant, putting them on both sides of a bitter divide.
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northern island, part of britain. proud stunt fighters, along with the police and army were fighting to kaeeep the status q. they were fighting to kick out the british, but the irish republican army, the ira at the forefront. while jean and arthur lived a happy life together, outside their home, all hell was breaking loose. protestant against catholic. houses burned and communities divided. >> every day, bombs going off all around us. and that's the way it was. we just got used to living like that. we didn't think it was any different from anywhere else in the world, really. >> reporter: after helen's father died, her mother, jean,
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was left to raise the children alone. >> with a cup of tea and some toast, and going to bed at night, mum was there, you know, just doing whatever mother does, she was a happy-go-lucky person. she would have done what any mum would have done. it came tea time, and they dragged her out of the bathroom and dragged her out. >> it was december, 1972. the last time helen would see her, and the beginning of helen's quest for the truth, a quest she would get little help with until she met her future husband a few years later. >> i held a promise there in the end that i would do everything in my power to find the truth. >> reporter: they would need each other, and they were up against the powerful, violent ira.
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>> we knew it was the ira, but we went to people and asked questions and we were told, you know, that your mother -- we had your mother but she is gone now. and apparently, they let her go and she was in england, and she would come home to us. >> reporter: in 1998, the good friday peace agreement was signed and ira and loyalists paramilitary laid down pair weapons, and peace came to northern ireland, but not to helen. >> i wanted to know where my mother was and wanted her body back, and i wanted an end for what we had to suffer for all those years. >> reporter: the ira did not relish helen's constant questions and did not want to re-open the past, and the ira turned to the tactic of
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intimidation, forcing helen and her family to flee their home. >> our children was beaten up and the car was destroyed, and it was one threat after another. we couldn't sleep. we were just waiting on a bomb getting chucked in there and somebody putting us to sleep forever, you know. >> reporter: finally, it was here on this lonely beach more than 30 years after she disappeared that jean mcconville's body was discovered in 1993, and nobody was charged with her murder. for ireland, it was an uneasy peace, and for helen and her family, it's been four decades of unanswered questions.
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was little piece for jean
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mcconville's family. she was buried in a quiet symmetry outside belfast. they say the ira wanted her death kept low key. >> after that, you get angry, and you get mad at people. >> reporter: nothing can bring her mother back, heal the pain of lives soured by suffering. it's when you walk the streets here that you realize just how locked in the past these communities are, constant reminders, the murals when they walk to the shops where everything that bad happened before, it seems nobody here really wants to let go of the past. helen needs a way to move forward to understand the past. just as this man hopes to do. three years after the good friday deal brought peace to
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northern ireland, anthony mcentire tried to begin to make sense of what happened. >> i wanted to get as many voices to give an insight into wh people who would be peacefully in a normal society turn to violent methods? >> reporter: he began to take interviews. he archived them here at boston college, inside this library, the belfast project archives, a history of some of northern ireland's darkest secrets, and 30 years of bitter sectarian fighting between catholics and protestants known as troubles.
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mcentire is not any researcher. he was once a jailed member of the ira, the irish republican army that led a terrorists campaign in the hope of forcing the british from ireland. >> i got there the end of 1992. >> reporter: after leaving prison and the peace accord was signed, and now he persuaded his form former comrades to tell their stories. >> i thought he was doing good for the production of knowledge in general. and i think it's important. >> reporter: but convincing the members of the ira to talk about who they were and what they did was tricky. the ira demands a vow of secret see on the pain of death, so they agreed to keep the ira interviews secret until the men
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who gave them were dead. >> do you have a problem with committing all of this to secret tip to be used only have you have died? >> i don't have a problem with that. if i did have a problem with that i wouldn't be sitting here talking in the microphone. >> reporter: this is the audio recording of the former cellmate, brendan hughes, first broadcast several years after his death in 2008. rare words, rare admissions from the secretive terrorists organization. >> a lot of the stuff that i am saying here, i am saying it entrust because i have a trust in you, and i have never ever, ever admitted being in the ira, never. i've just done it here. >> reporter: he was the commander the night jean was kidnapped, and he knows who was responsible for her killing.
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>> i knew she was going to be executed, i knew that. i didn't know she was going to be buried or disappeared as they call them now. >> reporter: few know for sure what other answers, and what other closure the archives might provide. but opening the archives is a dangerous business. the tapes could contain explosive revelations and could implicate important irish figures and could re-open the wounds of a painful past. northern ireland's police want access to the secret tapes, and by rare parties agreement u.s. politicians warn against it. >> what purpose now to say we are going after people that used weapons years ago when the u.s. was a guarantor, if you put down your weapons, we stand by you. >> reporter: democratic senator john kerry weighs in, too, warning secretary of state, hillary clinton, of the dangers.
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as chairman of the senate formulations committee i am obviously concerned about the impact it may have on the continued success of the northern ireland peace process. kerry continues, it's possible that some form of parties to the conflict may perceive the effort by the uk authorities to obtain information as the contra convenienting the spare euft of the good friday acords, and they provided a foreign policy try number ram of. there was little appetite for u.s. interference. >> i think it's a good thing to capture these memories. it's not just an issue of the political history, or the
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violence, and i think it's a very interesting social and economic history to be written. >> reporter: why go through with the process? why have the police embarked on this? >> that's a question you need to have addressed to the police. if the police are bringing a case to court, is that for them. and it is quite wrong for a politician to interfere in that process. >> reporter: for british officials releasing the secret tapes is a matter of justice, but for mcentire, it may be a matter of life and death. >> i feel that there is always the possibility of somebody throwing a bomb or throwing a improvised grenade through the window. >> we are dealing with people here that buried jean mcconville
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on a bridge, on a beach 30 miles up the road. >> reporter: for now the decision whether or not to release the tapes is in the hands of an american court and with it mcentire's safety, and helen mckendry's answers and northern ireland's peace. jack, you're a little boring. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes!
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>> reporter: violence and anger were tearing northern ireland apart. >> we were robbing banks and
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posting officers. >> a man like the former commander, brendan hughes, was to blame. >> planting bombs, shooting brits, trying to stay alive ourselves and not get arrested. >> reporter: they are held here, boston college. these tapes contain sensitive and secretive information about the troubles and what happens and who was involved and why. helen mckendry believes the tapes contain incriminating clues that could point to her mother's murderers. >> you have asked the police to pursue the tapes? >> yes, wea have, yes. >> reporter: they are beginning to believe truth and justice may be within reach. >> we did not really care for the foot soldiers that were
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tasked with killing her mother, perhaps, disposed of her body, and it was the generals that told them to do it. and those generals were masquerading now as politicians. yes, of course, it's only national we'd wish to bring them down. yeah. >> reporter: the tapes are believed to have critical tphfrmation about jean mcconville's murder, but the archive's former director believes exposing the secret tapes could lead to more violence. >> it's a crime in their eyes in the leadership of the ira's eyes, punishable by death to portray secrets to anybody outside the organization, which they were doing, and the subpoenas put the interviewees in danger for that reason. >> reporter: the men that gave their secret testimonies did so
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con tpfidenc confidence, hoping for promises to open old wounds. now the next battle in northern ireland's history is being taught here where ed maloney saying the tapes must be released. to mcentire it's a huge problem. >> boston college violated every guarantee by giving them to a district court judge. i feel very, very badly and let down by the boston college authorities. they should have worked to protect research participants and the archive itself.
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>> reporter: former project manager, ed maloney agrees. >> unfortunately, boston college's behavior has been disgraceful. >> reporter: he demanded they hand over some of the troefs to northern ireland's police. >> here is boston college, a hugh and wealthy institution, and can afford to continue the fight and should continue to take on the fight, and it's a very rich tradition. >> maloney, an award-winning documentary filmmaker written cutting-edge books and is now appealing the subpoenas with researcher, anthony mcentire with a last ditch bid to protect
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the former people they interviewed. >> to assign blame to boston college is absurd. the blame lies exclusively with ed maloney for foregoing his obligation. >> the obligation to the interviewees broken when maloney quoted from the archive. >> it all went wrong when a book was public issued in 2010 from maloney called "voices from the grave," that brought attention to the archive that had been at the boston college for years without any recognition. >> reporter: the book was pushed for sooner publication, features excerpts from one of his former enemies, and the words made
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public only after their death. the allegations and arguments don't stop there. the university accuses maloney of under playing the risks to interviewees. >> from the beginning we said to the project organizer who approached us with the idea that there were limitations regard gs the assurances of confidentiality under american law, and specifically he was told that these assurances of confidentiality would not withstand a subpoena. >> reporter: across the atlantic in belfast, these are an irrelevance. police investigation have begun triggered by the book. police decline interviews but in a short press release outline the following. police say they will follow the material in the boston archives all the way to court if that's where it takes them. they say detectives have a legal responsibility to investigate murders and follow all lines of
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inqui inquiry, for the victims, for their next of kin, and for justice. ultimately the whole archive, not just the ira tapes relating to jean mcconville's death, but any interviews by ira or loyalist fighters could be at risk. >> if uk law enforcement seeks a subpoena through the u.s. attorney's office, yes, boston college could be liable to turn over additional materials. >> do you think in your heart that these tapes will be handed over? >> i'm hoping that they will be. yeah, i'm hoping. but all i can do is hope. t all . . . . .
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♪ >> reporter: there is in northern ireland an unease. communities clinging to faith, holding on to their histories, ever present the belief that the other side of the religious political divide is getting a better deal. on the contentious issue of unsolved murders, that unease is
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acute. jean mcconville's family is not the only one in need of answers. mcconville was killed by the ira, while pat canoe fund was gunned down by the ira's enemies. he was shot 14 times in front of his family. he rose to prominence in the courts defending the paramill tearies. a british government report stated his killers acted in kau louson with the police. with police and the british army all responsible to the british government, the british prime minister tony blair that over saw the good friday peace agreement promised hel the famin
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inquiry. but the message changes. there would be no inquiry and no efforts to find new evidence, and no look of how the british government may have been involved in his death. >> it will just increase the suspicions suspicionses, and there are many republicans who are seeing, old brits, nothing has changed and we still need to fight against the british government. and it's giving ammunition to people to return to violence. >> reporter: british officials say they are doing enough to investigate what happened to him. >> we spent sometime looking at every possible option, and the prime minister who gave passed interest in case, and we concluded actually the best root was to let loose an internationally renowned lawyer on a huge archive of government and police material, and that is
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exactly what we have done. >> but ed maloney says it's not nearly enough. even as the british government and northern ireland's police are fighting to open the secret boston college archive, and the tpau knew concase shows they refuse to look at their own wrong doing. >> they are denying the right to rum eupblging through the rights to find out what happened in the case. and that's double standards. >> reporter: an ira member for decades cannot understand why british police are pushing so hard for the tapes. >> i think the police went down this road when they must know that there is no chance of any convictions at the end of this. >> reporter: he says giving his interview to boston college ten
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years ago was life changing. >> i remember breaking down, actually breaking down and uncontrollably and we had to stop the interview. i was never the same after that. and that was the thing about boston for me, it was a catalyst -- >> reporter: a catalyst to tell his story. he has no blood on his hands and never killed any one, but even so since the subpoenas in washington he has been watching his back. >> i look to the lawyers i asked them how credible would these tapes be. >> a sentiment echoed by smith. >> there's no golden treasure there. it's giving people false hope.
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>> reporter: smith's community was ravaged by violence, and the ira blowing up publics and shops and killing and maiming, and loyalist like smith struck back setting out to cause equal or worse carnage on their catholic enemies. smith and roar once bitter enemies, and now they find they have something in common, a mistrust in police with their confidential interviews. >> to be open and honest and candid as much as they can be, and not have the police say you said this or they said that. >> a huge loss for future generations. >> this would be a very valuable historical archive, a very useful tool for future students of conflicts, and also for policymakers because what we were providing here, i think in a very realistic way was a glimpse into the mind of the terrorists.
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>> repter: and into the truth of what really happened during the worst of the troubles. here, brandon hughes tells the story of bloody friday. >> i was responsible for a fair amount of bombs going into the town. i was not tkreblgtly my decision to do this, but i was the person that organized it. >> reporter: in the space of 80 minutes, 22 ira bombs went off here in the streets in the center of belfast. it was just after 2:00 in the afternoon, the 21st of july, 1972. nine people were killed and 130 wounded, and 77 of them women and children. >> it was a major, major operation, but it was never intended to kill people. i could reverse the situation, i
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would. i have a fair deal of regret. >> reporter: it was a tiny as pwurg of information that could trigger police demands for all the tapes in the boston archive to expand investigations beyond jean mcconville's murder, promising answers to some, possibly threatening the lives of others. half tons. small in size. big on safety. ♪ [ female announcer ] for everything your face has to face. face it with puffs facial tissues. unlike the leading regular tissue, puffs has soft, air-fluffed pillows for 40% more cushiony thickness.
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murals like these in a catholic housing project in belfast northern ireland are a reflection of a community and its heroes. but when brendan hughes broke a vow of silence and named the man he claimed was responsible for jean mcconville's death, a mural in his memory was painted over, only recently redone. it's a clear example of the power the interviews and the boston college archives may have to awaken demons and tkae stabilize northern ireland's uneasy peace, and split his community. >> when anybody would need to be taken away, they normally done
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it. i had no control over this squad. gary had control over this particular squad. >> reporter: jerry is jerry adams, the commander in the early 1970s, and now one of northern ireland's most important political figures. >> he was the most key leader that he produced. he was the heart of every decision, and every strategic decision. >> he was welcomed by president clinton, and silenced the guns. ultimately emerged as the most influential and important catholic politician in northern ireland. jerry adams has refused our request for an interview, but
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the past here said many times he was never in the ir and never involved in the death of jean mcconville. and his press labels the critics as the anti-peace process. but the interviews held in the secret archives in the world of brendan hughes tells a different story about adams and his actions. richard owe roar remembers just how close hughes and adams were. >> they were inseparable and they were virtually inspap rawable. his whole talk was about gerry. >> was a political direction. >> reporter: by the late 1970s, hughes, mcentire and hundreds of the ira inmates were in prison.
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in 1980, hughes and several other ira prisoners upped the anti-and went on a hunger strike. >> and they came and left the food at the door of the cell. i remember the feeling then of looking around the sell and saying to myself, this is the first day of the last day of my life. >> hundreds began to starve because of star vision. adams negotiated with the government on the outside. >> the police government came and made a secret offer to us, the prison leadership that was controlled by adams. >> reporter: but adams withheld the government offer causing the deaths of half a dozen of his own ira fighters. >> never veered off what i
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believe to be the essence of what happened. >> reporter: boston, there were other interviews and the explosive allegations they contained and threatened to redefine one of northern ireland's most important figures. for his claims, he was aus straw sized and cut off from the community he loved. but when british government records were uncovered last year, he says he was vindicated. >> hughes -- he never ever told me any lies. >> reporter: and adams has? >> of course he has. he told lies about the hunger strike to try and cover up his involvement. and adams will tell lies if he has to. it's water off a duck's back to him. >> reporter: aroar is not alone in his perception.
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his denial of pheubship hz driven some of adam's most faithful away from him. >> i feel absolutely disgusted when he abandons the volunteers and he can't stand shoulder to shoulder with him. i can understand him not admitting being a member, because it could lead to prosecution. but i cannot understand why he created this false narrative that he was never in it. >> it phaepbdz that people like myself had to carry the responsibility of aupl those deaths. gerry was a major, major player in the war, and yet he's standing there. >> reporter: they could face more challenges than in the past, a major problem for a major politician, and perhaps a major problem for northern ireland.
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adams and the allies who support him are a critical half of maintaining the status quo, the revelations of the archives could endanger his support even as they provide closure to others, in question the very balance between peace and justice. s...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> reporter: much of northern ireland returned to the calm many for which this emerald isle is so renowned, and tranquility has come to stay. but close in on belfast, always the conflict, and the long fingers of snaking concrete and brick walls that we've mile after mile through the city tell a different story, known as the peace walls, and keep the peace
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by dividing and not uniting the countries. this country is still so divided that many people are too astrayed to cross the sectarian divide and come through the gates and peace walls just to walk through the neighboring communities. the former loyalist prisoner lives close to the peace wall is at the forefront of the building cross community relations with his former enemies in the ira. >> you are always working at peace. we still continue today to work at peace. it's a so and long process. it's not like a water tap where you can turn it on and turn it off. >> right now the controversy over opening up the boston college archives is an impediment they don't need. >> the know impediments that is put up, that affects the peace
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process, and it delays it, and maybe causes an increase in violence. >> they worry that releasing the tapes could threaten both the peace and their personal safety, but advocates for victims believe just the opposite, that the tapes are the path to peace. >> we need to be seen to be looking at each of the incidents of the past with diligence and with care and with as much skill as we can bring to the peace. >> reporter: mcburney represents many families still trying to get the truth about how their loved ones died, and wants all the tapes in the archive given to the police. >> there are details within the archives which would be much more mundane pieces of
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information that feed into other murders, other bombings in a much more low key but very significant way. >> reporter: close to 4,000 people were killed during the troubles, but mcburney feels the police are trying to force open the secret archive, and jean mcconville's death is one of the most notorious killings in ireland allegedly under the command of one of the most important politicians and that could mean access to the archives and the answers they contain could be blocked. >> a lot of that information will be lost if because of the sensational nature of the particular case that is being opened up, if you like, through the archives, because it
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involves gerry adams, and it has implications politically and so forth. >> reporter: british officials say neither the nature of the crime and the perpetrator, adams for who they negotiated peace to silence the ira guns are an issue. >> we have been quite clear as a government. there could be no concept on amnesty. so we have to support the police to have complete operational independence in pursuing every line of inquiry, in bringing those that committed crimes to justice. but i think the very simple point is no one person is above the process. no one person is above the law. >> but researcher and former ira member mcentires is as determined to protect the archives confidentiality as others are to expose its secrets. >> i would go to jail to project adams as i would go to jail to
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protect any other person as a result of this process, and i think it's ethical and imperative. >> for helen mckendry, it's not about politics, but it's about closure in the death of her mother that she loved. >> this may put an end to everything. >> what do you think might be in the tapes? >> the truth. i think that's why they don't this, they don't want the tapes to be released because the truth is on them. >> reporter: when you say they don't want them to be released, who do you mean? >> the ira, and people who were interviewed and the tips. >> i think it's imperative the tapes be handed over immediately. >> reporter: but they know what they hear may be painful. they already had a taste of it from brandon hughes explaining why at the time he believed
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helen's mother, a widow with ten children needed to be silenced. >> she had a transmitter in her house. the british supplied the trance fitter into her flat. we took her away, intear gated her, and she told what she was doing. she was getting paid to passon information. she deserved to be executed, i believe, because she was an informer, and she put other peoples' lives at risk. >> they said your mother was informer to the british troops? >> which is lies. i mean, my mother would not have known anything about the ira. she, she was the mother of ten, at home every day with her family. >> reporter: there can be little solace, too, knowing hughes came to regret his role. it changes nothing. >> looking back on it, what happened to the woman was wrong.
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>> reporter: what the boston college subpoena story is about really fundamentally deep down is the failure of those involved in the conflict in northern ireland involved in the past or agree on a way to deal with the past. >> if they were to succeed in this, i think of the vast number of people who will never have truth about what happened to their loved ones, because the only reason that this has come to the foreabout mrs. mcconville is because people were prepared to talk in conditions. >> i lived all my life in fear, and they destroyed my mother's life, my family life, and they tried to destroy what life i have now. it's a joke. they are worried about they can be in danger. they are the ones that committed the crimes in this country. they should be worried.
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>> reporter: mcentire and all of those involved in the boston college archive now share the same fear, no one else will come forward to tell their secrets, afraid of prosecution, and that would mean the archives reach for truth is lost before it could grow to include police, soldiers and even british government officials who, like the ira men, may have their bloody truths to share. all eyes now are on the u.s. courts weighting for a ruling on whether the subpoenas will be upheld and the archives opened, what secrets do they hold and what impact will it have? no one can know. whatever happens, the full stories of jean mcconville's death and so many others may still never be known. some secrets have ad


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